Key Benefits of a Dedicated IT Support Expert for Your Business Needs


The fact is that the world relies more and more on technology every day. In theory, that is wonderful, but it requires an important set of skills to maintain, and it always seems like technology fails at the most inopportune time. Not having a plan or support during that time could mean catastrophe for your business, which is why we are discussing the benefits of IT support services.

What is Dedicated IT Support? 

Dedicated IT Support is an in-house or third party working exclusively to keep your business IT running smoothly. If a third party handles your IT, you may have heard it referred to as managed IT services. Nevertheless, IT support covers networking, onsite and remote maintenance, proactive monitoring, 24/7 emergency support, and more. Most businesses benefit from IT support services, but small-medium businesses (SMBs) favor this option over hiring in-house.

Why Should I Hire Dedicated IT Support? 

In the simplest terms, the reason you should hire dedicated IT support is peace of mind. Managing IT support is tough and requires constant training to stay up to date with the latest industry needs. To be fair, hiring in-house IT support is expensive unless it's absolutely necessary. A report from Cisco states that a benefit of IT support services is that you can reduce your recurring in-house costs by as much as 40 percent.

If you hire dedicated IT support, you can save on overhead costs. In addition to your internal cost savings, you will get a depth and breadth of support that would be unmatched otherwise. A benefit of IT support services is their passion for IT; their dedication to helping others solve problems is a sight to behold.

What Key Benefits Should I Expect? 

If you work with a premier IT support partner like The Maynard Group, you can expect a partner that makes it their mission to help you succeed by taking over your IT concerns. You will almost be able to forget what it was like to ever experience downtime and unexpected disasters.

Customized Solutions for Your Business 

Your business is unique, so your solution should be unique as well. Out-of-the-box, generic plans may work for the cell phone business but not for dedicated IT support. You need to be able to pick the services that are right for your business to maximize its effectiveness based on budget and network complexity.

Efficiency and Productivity Enhancements 

It's one thing to use various disparate systems thrown together while doing business to get the job done. It's a completely different story to work with a professional who can help streamline your workflows. In a recent study from Cornell, it was determined that, on average, employees lose 59 minutes of work per day just looking for where the right info is in a software tool. A benefit of IT support services is simplifying the software instead of stealing productivity from your employees.

Proactive Maintenance and System Monitoring 

Avoiding system outages is a top priority and a crucial benefit of IT support services. By actively monitoring your system and performing proactive maintenance, you can sidestep the pitfalls associated with downtime. When you're down, you can't help your customers, and most importantly, they lose trust in you. It may be immediate or take time, but losing trust means lost revenue.

Improved Data Management and Security 

Cybersecurity and data management can be the dagger in the heart of a business. Data management, if not secured or having cloud-based distribution and access, could mean info disappears if a computer goes down. Cybersecurity, on the other hand, is exploding with threats. According to Forbes, in 2023, there was a 72 percent increase in cyberattacks from 2021, which was a record high then, and 343 million victims. You shouldn't try to manage data and security management together.

Secure Your Business Operations with Dedicated IT Support from The Maynard Group 

The benefits of IT support services outlined in this blog aren't meant to scare you but to bring awareness to the growing need for professional IT support. You can't afford not to take a deep look into what this could look like for your business. A benefit of IT support services is knowing that you've made the wisest choice for your business's future. Contact The Maynard Group today and let us customize a solution for you.